Clinton’s Ritz Theater is back with big screen showings

Caution tape blocks off rows of seats inside the Ritz Theater to ensure movie-goers maintain social distancing. (photo:Collin Riggs )
Theater owner Dena Helus said she wasn’t sure how many people would want to come and watch the movie, especially with it being an older one, but she thinks it’s time.
“I know at home, we’ve been getting antsy and want to get out and do things, and I think this is an opportunity for folks to get out and start doing regular, normal things again,” she said. “If not, we’ll hang in there as best we can, and I think it’ll get better as time goes on.”
The theater has followed CDC guidelines, including signage on social distancing, posting guidelines on its Facebook page, and even blocking off certain seats.
“Our employees will all be wearing masks and gloves, and we put up a plexiglass shield on the concession stand,” Helus said. “I think the hardest part for people will be the seating inside. We’ve taped off certain seats to help with the social distancing, so there’s a possibility that someone’s favorite seat might be taken. It cuts down on the number of seats, but we should still have plenty of seating available.”
The lobby also has taped spots for people to stand to indicate the proper social distance people should follow.
Helus says she hopes everyone will be patient as they try to adjust.
“We hope everyone will be understanding and cope with it as we figure everything out.”