Even in a pandemic, Clinton Lions continue to serve

  • Outgoing Clinton Lions Club President Fred Miller (right) was honored Monday night during the club’s first meeting in three months since the governor of Tennessee’s “Stay At Home” order in April. Monday was Miller’s last meeting as president of the organization. He was given a plaque by Lion Stan Pickle. - Ken Leinart

  • Lion Jan Waldroop was honored for five years of service with The Clinton Lions. - Ken Leinart

  • Lion Neal Vaughn, left, presents Clinton Lion of The Decade Stan Pickle with a plaque Monday night. Vaughn was recognized for 15 years of service with the Clinton Lions Club. Outgoing President Fred Miller was recognized as Clinton Lion of the Year. - Ken Leinart

Although the Covid-19 pandemic has curtailed or changed much of what The Lions Club does, it has not stopped or damped the spirit of the Clinton Lions Club.

During this time, club members have continued to serve their community in various ways.

A lot of their activity has focused on supporting organizations assisting those in need of food.

The club has provided a total of $1,600 in Food City gift cards to the volunteer fire departments of Claxton, Rocky Top, Briceville and Medford to assist the volunteers in the work they do protecting those communities.

They have made donations of $300 each to the First Baptist Church of Clinton and the Second Baptist Church of Clinton for their food pantries.

The LaFollette Church of God also received a donation of $300. In April, two Lions Club members helped prepare, package and deliver more than 1,000 meals to the elderly and shut-ins of that community.

Other members also volunteered at food pantries and have been helping to package approximately 480 bags of food weekly for weekend distribution to kids in the Clinton City Schools.

Lonnie the Lion has been busy too, greeting students as they come to pick up meals provided by the schools.

Kelly Johnson, director of Clinton City Schools, recently wrote:

“I would like to extend my sincerest appreciation for all that you have done for Clinton City Schools the last few years. Your participation in school events, health screenings, and vision screenings has been vitally important to our students. Anytime a student of ours has a need for vision correction, you are always there to make sure their needs are met. ln addition, your funding helped us add an additional Chromebook to the 1:l- Technology lnitiative.”

She also said that the recent gift of $500 in Food City gift cards has been a blessing to the students and families during this time of pandemic.

The gift cards were distributed to needy families.

“I want to thank you again for being such a wonderful partner to Clinton City Schools,” Johnson said.

“We are so blessed with your support.”