Anderson County 4-H announces its ‘Club of the Year’ choices

Pictured are the teachers for this year’s 4-H Clubs of the Year (from left): 4th – Mrs. Bass, Norwood Elementary; 5th – Mrs. Miles, Norwood Elementary; Middle School – Mrs. Kent, Norwood Middle; and Afterschool – Mrs. Heidel, Linden Elementary.
Members earned points for their clubs through participation in contests, service and leadership activities. This year’s honorees are:
4th-grade Division:
1st – Norwood Elementary – Mrs. Bass.
2nd – Fairview Elementary – Mrs. Powers.
3rd – Andersonville Elementary – Mrs. Meredith (Head Group).
5th-grade Division:
1st – Norwood Elementary – Mrs. Miles.
2nd – Lake City Elementary – Mrs. Prewitt.
3rd – Dutch Valley Elementary – Mr. Harper.
Afterschool Division:
1st – Linden Elementary.
2nd – Clinton Elementary.
3rd – Homeschool Club.
Junior High Division:
1st – Norwood Middle 6th-grade Group A – Mrs. Kent.
2nd – Norwood Middle 7th-Grade Group 3 – Mr. Byrge.
3rd – Norris Middle, ARM Class, Mrs. Taylor.
Normally members celebrate with an ice-cream sundae party, but that had to be modified due to COVID-19. Instead of a classroom party, each first-place club member and teacher received an ice-cream sundae coupon from Hoskins Restaurant.
Pictured are the teachers for this year’s 4-H Clubs of the Year (from left): 4th – Mrs. Bass, Norwood Elementary; 5th – Mrs. Miles, Norwood Elementary; Middle School – Mrs. Kent, Norwood Middle; and Afterschool – Mrs. Heidel, Linden Elementary.