AC’s Wagner chairs Anderson County 4-H’s ‘June Dairy Month’ campaign

  • As chairperson of the Anderson County 4-H June Dairy Month campaign, Helen Wagner, an upcoming senior at Anderson County High School, has spent a lot of time organizing displays and talking about the importance of dairy products in the diets of Anderson Countians, and the role and importance of dairy farms and farmers in our community.

  • As chairperson of the Anderson County 4-H June Dairy Month campaign, Helen Wagner, an upcoming senior at Anderson County High School, has spent a lot of time talking about the importance of dairy products in our lives.

Helen Wagner, an upcoming senior at Anderson County High School, has been spreading the word during the month of June as the dairy promotion chairperson for Tennessee 4-H Clubs and the Dairy Alliance (formerly known as the Southeast United Dairy Industry Association), representing Anderson County.

Wagner has been a 4-H member since fourth grade. She is an active 4-H member, an Anderson County High School cheerleader and has proudly represented Anderson County at many 4-H events, such as the Tennessee 4-H Congress, 4-H Round-Up and East Tennessee All Stars Conference.

As chairperson, Wagner has been posting dairy facts on Facebook. To find out more about the nutritional value of dairy in a healthy diet and to find dairy promotional events throughout the month of June, people may follow Wagner on social media.

Wagner said she would like to thank all the people who have made June Dairy Month a success in Anderson County.

She has the following Dairy Month message:

“This June, we celebrate 83 years of National Dairy Month and the farm families of the Southeast who provide you and your families with nature’s perfect beverage. National Dairy Month gives us the opportunity to pause to celebrate America’s hardworking dairy farmers and the dairy foods that nourish people, strengthen communities, and foster a sustainable future. Especially during these trying times of COVID-19, it is important to support our farmers.

“Hopefully, groups I visited learned that you get more with dairy foods ... You get more vitamins, protein, and energy to power your day. The dairy farm families of the Southeast are your neighbors and friends and they appreciate your support.

“I really enjoyed getting to meet so many people and answering questions throughout this month. Thank you for allowing me to share dairy recipes, exhibits, dairy information and dairy products with you.

“You can find more dairy recipes at and my Facebook page. ... Join us in raising an ice cold glass of milk (and a scoop of your favorite ice cream) to celebrate Tennessee farmers and especially our dairy farms.”