Clinton City Council takes a stand on Magnet Mills site

The City of Cinton is taking bids on the final cleanup of the Magnet Mills site. (photo:Ken Leinart )
“Magnet Mills … It’s looked the same for quite a while. What’s the status on that?” Clinton City Councilman Jim McBride asked during the body’s Aug. 24 meeting.
The “status,” McBride was told, is that not much has been done in several months. And City Council has had enough.
“I’m tired of extending an olive branch, extending an olive branch … Well, give them time, give them time. We’ve given them time … It’s time to act, not give them more notice,” Councilman Zach Farrar said.
Demolition crews under the supervision of Clinch River Properties began demolishing the former mill in January 2017. At that time, the city was told it would take as long as 60 days to complete the demolition.
The buildings on the site have been demolished since January 2017, but debris still litters the site.
Clinton City Manager Roger Houck said the city has started the process of “cleaning it up.”
Houck said hopefully the city can open bids on the final cleanup at its next council meeting Sept. 28.
And by “cleaning it up,” Houck said that was not just removing the rocks and debris, but also cutting back the plant growth, bringing in fill dirt, and making the site look what it’s supposed to look like.
The city’s requirements for bidding are on page 6-A in today’s edition of The Courier News.
Among the requirements are:
• Remove concrete and other debris near street;
• Remove piles of rebar behind and beside the metal building on the east side of property;
• Remove piles of wood and other debris near the metal building on the east side of property • Remove accumulated brush and debris between water tower and river;
• Remove accumulated debris on west side of water tower;
• Remove 55-gallon drums near west side of water tower (assuming they do not contain hazardous materials);
• Remove remainder of concrete wall recessed in bank near metal building;
• Cut off all exposed rebar at or (if possible) below ground level;
• Drain water that has ponded between water tower and road due to the previous demolition activities;
• Import soil to cover remaining foundation that has not been excavated, and to fill and grade to prevent ponding caused by previous demolition;
• Seed and straw any areas not currently established with permanent vegetation, and any areas disturbed during the clean-up process.
Council did discuss having a special called meeting when the propsals are in.