‘Market on Market’ has pumpkins, other fall-themed products

Raleigh Jack Walker, left, and Bertie Farrar look over some of the fall- themed merchandise on display at the outdoor “Market on Market” operated by Hoskins in the Flat next to the store on Market Street. (photo:G. Chambers Williams III )
Called the “Market on Market,” the area was set up by the adjacent Hoskins in the Flat store at 333-337 Market St., Clinton. It will be open with fall products until around Thanksgiving, then will feature Christmas holiday merchandise displays, said Mollie Farrar, one of the store’s managers.
The fall product displays also will complement this weekend’s Harvest Sale by the Historic Downtown Clinton Merchants Association, which will include street and sidewalk displays and at least three food trucks, Farrar said.
The Market on Market was set up to make use of the area where the gazebo and park benches used to stand, on land that is owned by the owners of Hoskins in the Flat, she said.
“We thought we’d do something in these crazy times to allow people to fellowship with neighbors and friends and be comfortable outside,” Farrar said. “We have pumpkins, gourds, mums and cornstalks, and will be introducing new products each week, depending on what we can get from our local wholesale garden center.
“We’re going for a fun fall feeling, and we will be putting out some chairs. The Museum of Appalachia let us borrow three of their tin-covered sheds they used for vendors during their events, which they won’t be having this fall. We hope to bring out some food products, such as hot cider and hot chocolate, starting small.”
During the Christmas season, the market area will feature fresh greenery and other holiday-themed merchandise,” Farrar said. “We will still have our store open; we just wanted something outside.”
The Hoskins family – Farrar’s grandparents – owned the land, and it had been used by the city as a downtown gathering place for years, she said. She added that her parents own the land now, and she doesn’t know what plans the family might have for the property after December.
As for the Market on Market, “We’re open the same hours as the store, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday, Farrar said. “We will be focusing on the market Thursday through Saturdays, with staff out there to help people.”