‘HeART for Heroes’ Street Painting Festival theme

An artist puts finishing touches on her work during the 2019 Street Painting Festival.
It’s this year’s version of a longstanding tradition in Historic Jackson Square – the Rotary Club of Oak Ridge’s annual Street Painting Festival.
The theme this year is “HeART For Heroes,” which organizers say is “a heartfelt gesture to honor the heroes of the COVID-19 global pandemic.”
Artists of all ages equipped with a variety of colored chalks have from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 17, to create their masterpieces on sidewalk squares in Jackson Square.
Winners will be announced at 6 p.m. Free chalk and supplies will be provided. Artist registration is available at roanestate.edu/streetpaintingfestival.
A maximum of 60 entries will be accepted, and categories range from individual elementary, middle school, high school and college entrants to single adults and families. Cash prizes for each category are $75 for first place, $25 for second place and $15 for third place.
A $300 prize will be given for “Best in Show,” and $200 will be awarded for the “People’s Choice Award.” Artists whose creations are clearly inspired by the “HeART for Heroes” theme will take part in a chance to win a $25 bonus prize.
The event normally draws hundreds of spectators. All involved are requested to comply with COVID-19 safety guidelines.
Proceeds from the event, underwritten by various levels of sponsorships by organizations, businesses and individuals, will go to the nonprofit Roane State Foundation to provide funds for scholarships for Roane State students.
Those tax-deductible donations over the years have allowed Roane State to award more than 100 scholarships totaling over $200,000.
Sponsorship levels are as follows: Platinum, $5,000 and up; Gold, $2,500 to $4,999; Silver, $1,000 to $2,499; Bronze, $500 to $999; Small Business, $250 to $499; and Individual, $100 to $249. Sponsors’ names will be on each sidewalk square.
Businesses and individuals interested in sponsoring the festival are encouraged to contact Sandy Vann at vannsl@roanestate.edu, or at 865-354-3000, extension 4802.
Donations can be made online at roanestate.edu/streetpaintingsponsor.
Checks payable to the Roane State Foundation and noting that the contribution is for the Street Painting Festival can be mailed to Roane State’s Oak Ridge campus, 701 Briarcliff Ave., Oak Ridge, TN 37830, attention Sandy Vann.