Lady Mavs take district title

The Lady Mavs won the 2020 District title in impressive fashion last week.

Anderson County hosted Union County and Grainger in a tournament to decide the region champions on Oct 7.

Anderson County won both games.

Anderson County’s first opponent was Union County. Anderson County took an early 12 point lead, with Erin Cantrell serving, putting them up 12-0 before Union County got their first point. Jayce Braden served second for the team, putting them up 20-1 before Union County finally broke that streak. Anderson County ended the first set 25-4.

The second set was even better for Anderson County, finishing 25-3 for a second win after Braden led the team from a 1-1 start to a 17-1 lead. Union County managed two more points, but lost the second set, too.

In the third set, Union County stepped up, winning several rallies, but still losing the set 25-13.

In their second game of the night against Grainger County, who served first in the first set.

Anderson County took an early lead in the first set, putting themselves up 5-0 before Grainger’s second turn to serve. Matti Rowland served for the Lady Mavs after that, increasing the lead to 10-2. The Lady Mavs continued to chip away at Grainger until Anna Smith’s turn to serve, when she put the team up 22-10. Grainger couldn’t come back, and the Mavs won the first set 25-14.

Grainger took an early lead in the second set, but couldn’t maintain it. While they managed to keep Anderson County from any large streaks, Anderson County chipped away at them until a second set ended, this time 25-13, in favor of the Mavs.

For the final set, the Lady Mavs showed no mercy, chipping away for their first three serves until Kelsea Marlowe’s turn to serve.

Marlowe led the team from a 5-4 lead to a whopping 18-4 lead. Grainger scored one more point to put the score 18-5, but Morgan McMurray served the for the Lady Mavs next, and led the team to a 24-5 lead. Grainger scored one final point, and Bailey Wilder served the final point for the Lady Mavericks, ending both the set and the game and sealing the district title for the Lady Mavs.