Jack Mitchell, Norris Bulletin publisher, real-estate agent, dies after stroke

Jack Mitchell and his wife, Loy Johnson, from her Facebook page.
According to social media posts, Mitchell had been under hospice care at his home since leaving UT Hospital on Oct. 22, and passed away in the presence of his wife, Loy Johnson, and his daughter, Meredith.
His wife, owner of Loy Johnson Real Estate next to Archer’s Market in Norris, had this to say on Facebook about his passing:
“Jack died peacefully this morning (October 27) at 5:30 am. His daughter Meredith and I were by his side. I’m thinking of the WH Auden poem: ‘He was my North, my South, my East and West / My working week and my Sunday rest / My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song …' Our first crush grew into an enduring love for all time. Jack Mitchell, what a lovely ride we had. You will be sorely missed by us all.”
The Facebook post also noted, “No service is planned at this time, though we hope to have an edition of the Norris Bulletin soon paying tribute to Jack."
Jack Mitchell was the main agent for his wife’s firm, and remained very active in the real estate business in Norris and Andersonville until his stroke. He commented a few months ago when asked if he was still working in the real estate business, “Yes, indeed. That’s what pays the bills.”
According to a short biography from the Oak Ridge Today website in 2018 and information from Mitchell himself in conversations with this reporter, he moved to Norris in 2004, and took over operation of the weekly tabloid Norris Bulletin in 2013.
He was a retired lawyer, with a law degree from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, where he previously practiced law. He also was a graduate of the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service.
The online biography, from a story announcing that Mitchell was going to speak to the Anderson County Democratic Women’s Club, said:
“In addition to practicing law for several years in Nashville, he served as general counsel for real estate development firms in North Carolina and South Carolina and has been involved in various real estate developments in Tennessee.”
Norris Mayor Chris Mitchell, who says he was not related to Jack Mitchell, said Wednesday (Oct. 28): “Jack made a lot of great contributions to the city in many ways, and will be greatly missed.”