Thank you for your service

How to honor veterans during a pandemic

Anderson County Veterans Service Officer Leon Jaquet knows 2020 has been a challenging year.

Already 2020 has taken a sacred day to all veterans and serving military personnel when Memorial Day activities were canceled with the exception of virtual remembrances.

When it comes to celebrating Veterans Day, well, the challenge is still there.

With Veterans Day activities canceled, how does the average citizen celebrate Veterans Day?

“If you know a veteran, reach out to them and thank them for their service,” Jaquet said. “Tell them you appreciate what they have done.”

Also, Jaquet said, let veterans know about events happening Veterans Day that may have an impact on them — spread the word.

In today’s edition of The Courier News is the annual Salute to Veterans issue. Inside this edition are listings of offers to veterans of Veterans Day.

There are also listings of some of the virtual celebrations being held in Anderson County.

“The Mayor of Anderson County, Terry Frank, and her husband will be on hand Thursday morning at the food distribution to say ‘thank you’ to veterans and to give out coffee and biscuits,” Jaquet said. “Let veterans know about events like that.”

He also said let veterans know about promotions that honor them.

“Great Clips is giving free haircuts to veterans on Veterans Day,” he said. “But if you don’t need a haircut that day, they will give you a coupon for a free haircut on any other day.”

It’s simple. Thank a veteran for their service and pass the word about events or programs that honor their service.

“Just get the word out,” Jaquet said.