Saying ‘Goodbye’ to James Cox
February 13, 2021 at Little Ponderosa Zoo and Rescue
This photo of James Cox with one of the Ponderosa Zoo’s tigers was among items on display in a tent in front of the zoo for last Saturday’s memorial service for Cox. The founder and owner of the zoo, Cox died last week. - G. Chambers Williams III
Tim Cox, right, and his fiancee Jennifer Wulff look over some of the exhibits celebrating the life of Tim’s father, James Cox, at the Little Ponderosa Zoo and Wildlife Rescue on Saturday, Feb. 13. Looking on is zoo employee Jacob Watson, left. James Cox died Feb. 9 at age 61 after a short illness. - G. Chambers Williams III
Some visitors at the Little Ponderosa Zoo and Wildlife Rescue interact with the goats during Saturday’s memorial event for zoo owner and founder James Cox, who died last week. - G. Chambers Williams III
Tim Cox, oldest son of Little Ponderosa Zoo owner and founder James Cox, looks at a video of his dad that includes Tim on the right, during Saturday’s memorial to his father at the zoo and rescue. - G. Chambers Williams III