Middle Mavs lose heartbreaker after big win against Campbell

Blake Lowe digs hard as he runs for home in the game against Oak Ridge. The Middle School Mavs lost 10-9. (photo:Collin Riggs )
In the game against Campbell County, Reece Wilkerson pitched for four innings, finishing with eight strikeouts and a WHIP (walks plus hits per inning pitched) of 1.00, well below both of Campbell County’s pitchers.
Wilkerson also batted three runners in, tying with Trent Strickland, and had three hits, followed by AJ Colorusso, who had two.
In the game against Oak Ridge, the Mavericks took an early 3-1 lead at the bottom of the first inning, only to lose it to a six-run-streak by Oak Ridge in the third.
The Mavs scored three to put them only one short going into the fourth, and retook the lead the next inning, putting them up 8-7 going into the fifth.
When both teams scored a single run in the fifth, it came down to the fifth inning.
Oak Ridge scored two runs, putting them up, and the Mavs couldn’t finish one more run, putting them on the losing end of the final score.
Trent Strickland again finished first on hits and runners batted in with three and five respectively.
Blake Lowe and Tripp Haire pitched two innings apiece for the Mavs, scoring three strikeouts each.