Norris police lieutenant commended for saving resident’s life with CPR

Norris Police Department Lt. David Campbell stands with Joe Colorusso at Monday night’s City Council meeting after Campbell was presented a let- ter of commendation for helping to save Colorusso’s life on April 11 during a medical emergency.
Chief of Police Mike Poole pre- sented Campbell a framed “Let- ter of Commendation” during the meeting, recognizing the officer’s lifesaving efforts using cardio-pulmonary resuscitation after arriving at the Hilltop Lane home of Joe Colorusso on an emergency call-out, finding him unconscious and unresponsive.
According to the letter, Anderson County EMS credited Camp- bell with performing CPR for seven minutes until paramedics arrived at the scene, providing “the required blood and oxygen vital for sustained life.”
“Lieutenant Campbell, it was your quick response, recognition of the severity of the medical emergency, immediate actions and effective CPR that resulted directly in saving the life of a Norris resident,” the letter said.
The letter concluded: “Your actions exemplify a Norris Police Officer and bring pride and hon- or to your profession.”
At the end of the council meeting, Colorusso was introduced to the council and citizens attending the meeting, and got a hug from Lt. Campbell.
Colorusso, 43, said that he feels blessed that Campbell was the first to arrive at his home during his emergency, and that he’s now doing well despite having two heart attacks after arriving at the hospital.
“I’m truly grateful,” Colorusso said.
The news of Campbell’s life- saving heroics and the letter of commendation from the city are particularly welcome during this dark time of intense criticism of police nationwide and calls by progressive “activists” and politi- cians for police departments to be “defunded” and disbanded