‘Women on the Water’ fly fishing class set for Sept. 11

Women on the Water, a special seminar for women who want to learn fly fishing, will be hosted by the Clinch River Chapter of Trout Unlimited.
The event, scheduled in connection with the September celebration of National Public Lands Day, will be at Miller Island Public Access Area on the Clinch.
In the morning, participants will receive instruction in fly casting, knot tying, entomology, fly tying and water safety; afterwards women will wade the river and fish with volunteer guides. Lunch is included along with loaned fishing equipment for students who don’t have their own and, for women not already members, a one-year membership in Trout Unlimited.
Enrollment is limited and pre-registration is required to ensure plentiful supplies of food and gear—to sign up, contact Stacy Hage, (865) 566-4383 or stacy.hage0407@gmail.com. Each participant must have a fishing license that includes trout. Note: For a single day, the “all species” license is the best value; cost for Tennessee residents, including handling fees, is $11.50 in stores or $14 online.