upcoming events

PK Hope Is Alive Parkinson’s Support Group of Knoxville/Oak Ridge will meet from 11:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 17, at Central Baptist Church, 130 Providence Road, Oak Ridge (across from Oak Ridge High School).
Dr. Shadi Barbu, a new neurologist specializing in Parkinson’s at the University of Tennessee, will share her background and experiences with Parkinson’s disease.
There will be a light lunch served.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3034530817?pwd=V2YzY2c5MVh2VmFtWCtsU2N2M1RSdz09
Meeting ID: 303 453 0817
Passcode: 165690
NAMI Zoom meeting Aug. 10
Oak Ridge National Alliance on Mental Illness will be holding its monthly With Hope in Mind support group meeting at 7 p.m. Aug. 10 via Zoom. The meeting is open to the family members/loved ones of those living with a mental illness and will be facilitated by two trained NAMI leaders. There is no cost to attend. This will be a full support group meeting.
For more information and to sign up for the meeting contact:
namioakridge865@gmail.com or Kathy at
John Hopkins Band at Clayton Center
The Clayton Center for the Arts will present the John Hopkins Band at 7 p.m. Sept. 12. Ticket prices begin at $21.50 and may be purchased at claytonartscenter.com or by calling the Box Office at 865-981-8590, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday- Friday.
As a member of several rock bands, Hopkins first rooted himself in the Atlanta music scene in 1995 — but he is most well-known as a founding member, vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter of the Grammy Award-winning Zac Brown Band.
The Clayton Center for the Arts, located on the Maryville College campus and constructed through a unique partnership between the College and the cities of Maryville and Alcoa, is East Tennessee’s venue for arts and entertainment. As a gathering place for the community and the home of Maryville College fine and performing arts programs, the Clayton Center provides opportunities for the lifelong expression and appreciation of the arts.