Emma Grace says: ‘Come to the pullet show and sale’

Emma Grace
This is me and my grand champion winner for the barred rock in my division from last year’s 2019-2020 event. I received Grand Overall Grand Champion of the Show. I’m so excited to attend this event this year and enter my white leghorns. I love participating in 4-H and try to participate in it all I can.
I even entered my stuff in the AC Fair this year from my photos I have taken, a canvas I painted, a pillowcase I sewed, to my healthy muffins I made. The 4-H is offered to all kids in 4th grade to 12th grade in Anderson County.
Praying for all of you and for a safe, great, successful school year.
Please come out to this event and help show your support for our Anderson County 4-H members and future leaders.
I’m asking you to share this flyer with everyone to get the word out to bidders about this year’s event.
I have taken a lot of flyers out to local businesses to help get the word out about this year’s event and fun programs.