LCMS holds first baseball tryouts

LCMS Assistant Coach Kurt Owen takes players through tryouts last week.
The LCMS baseball team has a new coach this year, B.A. Idles.
The LCMS Facebook page notes Idles is an alumnus of LCMS and Anderson County High School, where he participated in team sports.
Idles has been coaching in the Rocky Top and Anderson County community the past eight years.
He is a youth leader and a deacon at a church in Rocky Top.
Assistant Coach Kurt Owens conducted the tryouts — Idles was pulled away from the tryouts by a family emergency.
All LCMS students are encouraged to try out, but they must have a physical on file with school to be eligible to play.
Twelve boys tried out on the first night.
The action on the field was exhilarating, with kids from every grade participating.
In a few weeks, benches will be full of fans waiting to see their favorite teams as the season opens.
All Lakers fans are encouraged to go out and support these baseball players and the coaches.