After 55 years, Mack Duncan retires from ORAU

On Sept. 16, 1966, a young farmer from Oliver Springs started working at the Comparative Animal Research Laboratory in Oak Ridge. He was helping care for the sick and injured animals on that South Campus farm. At the time, the lab was managed by the University of Tennessee, but in 1981 responsibility for it would be transferred to ORAU.
By this time, Mack had switched from animal care to working in security for the lab. When the animal lab became an ORAU facility, Mack would expand his security work to cover all ORAU facilities in Oak Ridge as part of the ORAU Watchforce.
In 2004, the young man thought he wanted to retire, but actually decided to become a part-time employee. That status continued for another 17 years.
On Sept. 16, Duncan, at 79, spent his last day as an employee of ORAU after 55 years of service.