Arts Craft Center erects information kiosk

The Appalachian Arts Craft Center in Norris recently erected an informational kiosk in front of its building in honor of its 50th anniversary.
The three-panel kiosk describes the history of the center, which was started as a War on Poverty program in 1970 by Sara Shepard Starr and Grace Foster, and includes photos and a description of the center’s current programs.
The kiosk was the idea of long-time craft center member and weaver Pat Bing, who raised the funds for the kiosk from the community and procured the help of volunteers for the project. Robin Easter Design Studio designed the panels, and Dick Trowbridge and others built the frame for the panels.
The mission of the Appalachian Arts Craft Center is to support arts and crafts in Appalachia through education, sales, and community involvement.
It includes a gallery in which local arts and crafts are sold, classroom space, and studios. Current winter hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, though the kiosk is located out front and available for viewing at all times.
The center is at 2716 Andersonville Highway, Norris, across from the Museum of Appalachia.
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