McKamey seeking re-election to Dist. 5

The 5th District encompasses the Clinton High School, Dutch Valley, Marlow, and Norwood voting precincts.
McKamey previously represented the old District 3 on commission from 1982 to 1994, and has represented District 5 since 2006.
During his time on commission, he has served as the 16-member panel’s chairman, as well as served as chair of the Insurance Sub-Committee, Jail Project superintendent, and chair of the Legislative Committee. His release also notes that he served as chairman of the 2010 Redistricting Committee, E-911 Board of Directors, Long Range Planning Committee, and CASA’s Board of Directors.
McKamey served as EMS Director from 1974 to 1994. He is a U.S. Army veteran who served in the Vietnam War, and according to his campaign announcement, was “instrumental in establishing a full-time Veterans Service Office” to serve the other military veterans in Anderson County.
The release also points out his “strong” support of the Anderson County Senior Center, as well as tourism and industrial development in the county.
In the announcement, McKamey writes: “As your county commissioner, I feel my knowledge of how government works and my proven record of being able to work with other commissioners and elected officials serves our district well.”
It concludes with McKamey saying, “I look forward to serving the residents of the 5th District for four more years and sincerely ask for your vote and support May 3, 2022.”