4-H shooting sports
Jamboree to be held March 26

Members of the 2021-22 4-H Shooting Sports team excelled in county competition and are heading to state competition on March 26.
Competing in either air rifle or BB put their skills to the test during the county 4-H shooting sports contest.
Youth competed in either the air rifle or BB discipline.
Members have been meeting since September and are coached by certified 4-H Shooting Sports volunteers Tim and Tina Phillips and Sandra Calhoun, along with 4-H staff members Breeanna Stanford and Donna Carter.
Top honors in the county 4-H contest included the following.
Air rifle:
• 1st – Samuel Alvis.
• 2nd – Isaac Phillips.
• Junior Division: 1st – Alice Ogan; 2nd – Will Cavender, 3rd – Sarah Alvis.
• Junior High Division: 1st – Luke Damen; 2nd – Lydia Calhoun; 3rd – Rachel Alvis.
• Senior High Division: 1st – Sunny Alvis; 2nd – Bristol Brown.
Contestants will advance to the state 4-H Shooting Sports Jamboree on March 26, which will be held in Murfreesboro.