‘Tasty Tuesdays’ events will bring food trucks to downtown

Clinton’s Tasty Tuesdays Food Truck Rally will be held from 3-7 p.m. each Tuesday in the Commerce Street park- ing lot beginning next week (March 22). Four food trucks will be on hand for the afternoon. (photo:G. Chambers Williams III )
Then plan to try the “Tasty Tuesdays Food Truck Rally” beginning this coming Tuesday, March 22, from 4-7 p.m. in the Commerce Street parking lot.
For this new weekly event’s kickoff, there will be four food trucks on the site: CJ’s Tacos, Lobster Dogs, B’s Bites, and Over the Top bakery.
This new downtown activity is sponsored by the Historic Downtown Clinton organization in partnership with The Chef’s Workshop of Knoxville.
No timetable was given for how many weeks the events will last, but people may sign up to get advanced notification of each week’s food truck lineup by going online to thechefsworkshop.com/join-our-invite-list/.
“I hope people come out and just love it,” said Katherine Birkbeck, program director for Historic Downtown Clinton. “One thing we hear a lot is that people want more options for food in the downtown area, and we hope this will help.”
Food trucks that will be on hand for the second week, March 29, will be Bayou Bites, Good Hombres Authentic Mexican Food, Shirley’s Boy Country Cooking, and Kona Ice. For April 5, the lineup will include Waffley Good, Rocky Top Masala (Indian food), and Pizza Amore.
Then on April 12, the trucks again will include CJ’s Tacos, Lobster Bites, and B’s Bites.
Also coming to downtown is the second-annual Mosaic Festival on April 9, followed by the Historic Downtown Clinton Spring Antique Festival May 6-7. It will open at noon on Friday, and continue on Saturday.
Returning for its second year will be the Clinton FARM Market, also in the Commerce Street Parking lot. But this year the event will move to Thursday instead of Friday. Tentative hours are 3-6 p.m. The market will open in May; the exact date has not been announced yet.
In addition, the Anderson County Chamber of Commerce will be holding its 90th birthday party on Market Street on June 11.
The Mosaic Festival will be returning for its second year.
“Our festival is April 9, and will feature art from both Anderson County and Clinton City schools in an art walk that lines our historic district,” Birkbeck said. “The morning starts with a color run (5k or 1 mile). Then from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., we will have performances running every 30 minutes from the CHS Jazz Band to the Clinton City Schools Ukulele Club and so much more.
“Come watch Dream Dance take center stage,” and the Knoxville Children’s Theatre will perform, she said.
The day will also include art vendors, artist demonstrations, a community macrame mural, art projects for the kids and more.
“You’ll also be able to shop for art in the stores, as well as on the street, so don’t miss this exciting day,” Birkbeck said. “This year, we are also excited to be partnering with the Dogwood Arts Festival on this
There will be art hanging in the windows of downtown businesses starting April 4, she said. Anderson County Schools will have a large art show at the Kincaid House April 7-8, featuring individual student art, she said. Clinton City Schools will have their art show featuring individual student art on April 8 in the Hoskins Park with music and entertainment.
The Clinton FARM Market kicked off its first season on May 7 last year. It was co-sponsored by the East Tennessee Farm Association for Retail Marketing, also known as FARM; and the Chamber of Commerce.
Other Historic Downtown Clinton group events for 2022 include the Fall Antique Festival, Sept. 30-Oct. 1, the Clinton Christmas Stroll, Nov. 26, and the Clinton Christmas Parade, Dec. 3.