Michael Foster, Rocky Top city manager, vying for GOP nod

“I am pleased and honored to announce that I am seeking the Republican nomination for Anderson County Commission District 2,” he said. “During my time as Rocky Top city manager, I have gained a strong understanding of the complexities of city, county and state government.”
Foster is a lifelong resident of Anderson County. He graduated from Clinton High School in 2002, and from the University of Tennessee in 2006.
He went on to receive certification as a certified public manager and as a certified municipal finance officer, using that knowledge to serve as Rocky Top’s city manager, he said.
Foster is a member of the Clinton Rotary Club, Anderson County Chamber of Commerce, Tennessee Municipal League, the Anderson County Chamber’s Government and Community Relations Committee, and ASAP of Anderson Coalition.
He serves on various boards throughout the county, including the Anderson County Chamber, Rocky Top Chamber, Anderson County Economic Development Association, Boys and Girls Club, United Way, and Adventure Anderson County.
Additionally, Foster was named the 2018 Anderson County Young Professional of the Year.
“I will bring experienced conservative leadership to the commission,” Foster said. “Conservative principles and values are important to me, and as a lifelong conservative Republican, I promise that I will bring those ideals to the county commission and work diligently to keep more of the taxpayers’ money in their own pockets.”
Foster lives in Clinton with his wife, Katie, and their son, Tate, and twin daughters, Graylin and Denton. He attends Faith Promise Church.
County primary elections will be Tuesday, May 3, with early voting taking place April 13-28. The last day to register to vote in the primary election is April 4.
For more information on Foster, visit “Foster for Anderson County Commission – District 2” on Facebook.