Homelessness is topic of Dem women meeting

“Homelessness in East Tennessee” will be discussed at the Anderson County Democratic Women’s Club meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 22, at the Oak Ridge Marina Pavilion, 697 Melton Lake Drive, Oak Ridge.

Andy O’Quinn, executive director of TORCH (Tennessee Out-Reach Center for Homeless), and Dave Clark, Anderson County district attorney, will present the program on homelessness in this area.

The Tennessee legislature recently passed a law making it the first state to make camping in local parks and on public land a felony. The law was passed in response to the increasing numbers of homeless people.

Those attending the meeting are invited to consider a contribution for TORCH of camping foods that require no utensils or heat, such as granola bars, and personal care items such as toilet paper.

TORCH, in operation since 2013, aims to find affordable, sustainable housing for its homeless clients, to help them attain self-sufficiency and to access needed resources.

O’Quinn, who has worked with the homeless in Savannah and Athens, Ga., and in Knoxville, began working with Torch in 2015.

Clark has been district attorney general for the 7th Judicial District since 2006.

He served as president of the District Attorneys General Conference in 2019-2020.

Light snacks will be served at the meeting.

For more information, email Ann Mostoller at amostoller@msw-law.com.