What constitutes negativity?


When I first learned about Tony Cox’s (publisher of The Courier News) decision to NOT “publish negative letters about candidates for public office,” I immediately wondered what constitutes negativity.

A friend and I, both retired Anderson County teachers, planned to write a letter to the editor addressing the voting record on key educational issues of a candidate seeking re-election to the Tennessee State Legislature.

We had absolutely no intention of engaging in any personal attacks; we merely intended to highlight the documented voting record. Would Mr. Cox classify a fact-based letter as negative? His answer was yes. He lamented that politics has become too toxic.

While we were in agreement on that point, if the truth is toxic, the answer is to confront it, not hide it behind editorial policy. To do so is not only tantamount to censorship, but an egregious disservice to the citizens of Anderson County.

When we go to vote in November, we have the right to know how our elected representatives have voted on important issues.

Otherwise, how can we make an informed decision about which candidate is best for our county and the people who live here?

Susan Fowler
