The CHS life
Clinton High School Class of 1950: Friends for life

Clinton High School in 1950: The current site of Clinton Middle School.
The reunion was held September 14 at Apple Blossom Café.
The class had decided at their 40th reunion to begin meeting every year and have been able to do that with a variety of events, with the exception of 2020 (due to the pandemic).
Reunion organizers say their alma is especially true: “Our strong bond can ne’er be broken, formed at Clinton High… time has brought unending friendship.”
“We just still like to hang out together,” said Juanita Burress Roettger.
“These are our friends and we’ve remained close our entire lives,” she said.
Classmates in attendance:” Eddie Appleby, Sabra (Shattuck) Appleby, Eugene Jenkins, Toni (Lane) Jenkins, Anna Belle (Dover) King, Wilma (Cooper) Minor Ann (Hicks) Patton, Juanita (Burress) Roettger, Virginia (Patterson) Rose, Barsha (Ivester) Ruble and James E. Thompson.