County judiciary brings back Christmas cheer

Pictured with the donations are, from left, Jordan Bowling, Miss Tennessee candidate (her social impact initiative is supporting and advocating for individuals with disabilities) and who assisted in soliciting donations; Judge Matthew Tuck (General Sessions, Division II), Judge Ryan Spitzer (Criminal and Circuit Court), Judge Victoria Bowling (General Sessions Division I) and Circuit Court Clerk Rex Lynch.
This year the Anderson County General Sessions and Anderson County Criminal/Circuit courta reinstated the annual courthouse Christmas party, sponsored by Judge Ryan Spitzer (Anderson County Criminal/Circuit Court), Judge Victoria Bowling (General Sessions, Division I), Judge Matt Tuck (General Sessions Division II) and Circuit Court Clerk Rex Lynch.

Participants were asked to bring donations/stocking stuffers and craft supplies for Emory Valley Center in Oak Ridge.

Emory Valley Center is a local 501(c) 3 nonprofit agency supporting children and adults with developmental, intellectual and physical disabilities in East Tennessee.