Spring wildflowers program offered by UT Arboretum
Spring is just around the corner, so the UT Arboretum Society invites people to the Nature Supper Club as it looks at the East Tennessee spring ephemerals via Zoom at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 2.
Join Michelle Campanis, education coordinator at the University of Tennessee Arboretum, and naturalist Stephen Lyn Bales for an overview of these woodland wildflowers and places to see them in East Tennessee.
A walk through the woods along a greenway or path finds a welcome group of old friends, the so-called spring ephemerals, starting to rise through the forest floor. But their time is short, their days in the sun brief.
The woodland ephemerals are perennials that begin to appear in early March.
Look for bloodroot, toothwort, Hepatica, spring beauty, squirrel corn, celandine poppy, twinleaf, Virginia bluebells, Jack-in-the-pulpit, mayapple, trout lily and several species of trillium.
They all must grow, bloom and produce seeds quickly before the trees leaf out and cover their home with shade.
The program is free, but registration is required to receive the Zoom link and the recording.
People may see the program live on March 2 at 7 p.m. via Zoom, or mayy ask to be sent a link to watch the recording at their convenience. Closed captions are available.
Register at utarboretumsociety.org
To contact Stephen Lyn Bales or buy one of his UT Press books, email him at hellostephenlyn@gmail.com
The Forest Resources AgResearch and Education Center, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2014, is one of 10 outdoor laboratories located throughout the state as part of the UT AgResearch system.
AgResearch is a division of the UT Institute of Agriculture. The Institute of Agriculture also provides instruction, research and public service through the UT Herbert College of Agriculture, the UT College of Veterinary Medicine, UT AgResearch and UT Extension offices, with locations in every county in the state.
To learn more about the Arboretum Society or for questions on this program, go to utarboretumsociety.org