4-H’ers excel in public speaking contest

Danni Leigh Conder, Keaton McNabb, Amelia Wilder, Briley Gray and Alice Ogan repre- sented Anderson County at the Great Northwest 4-H Public Speaking Contest.
To earn this opportunity, students first prepared for and competed in the 4-H Public Speaking Contest at the club level, vying to win the coveted purple ribbon and securing their invitations to compete at the county level.
During January’s county-level public speaking contest, one student in each grade earned first place. With this honor, the student advanced to the Great Northwest 4-H Public Speaking Contest, competing with youth in Fentress, Cumberland, Scott, Morgan, Campbell, Roane, and Union counties. Not only did every student do a great job, all five Anderson County contestants placed in the multi-county contest. Final recognitions included:
4th Grade: Keeton McNabb – 3rd place; 5th Grade: Amelia Wilder – 1st place; 6th Grade: Alice Ogan – 1st place; 7th Grade: Briley Gray – 1st place; 8th Grade: Danni Leigh Conder – 2nd place.
These successes reflect lots of hard work on the part of the student, as well as tremendous support from teachers, parents and volunteers.