Post 172 pays last respects to old flags

Dillard Bunch, a member of Anderson County American Legion Post 172, salutes after placing a worn flag on the fire to be disposed of properly. (photo:Pete Gwada )
On Monday, July 3, Anderson County American Legion Post 172 held a flag retirement ceremony at the site where its new building is being constructed on Spring Street.

Worn and faded flags were respectfully burned, according to a ceremony prescribed by the American Legion.

Post Commander Leon Jaquet presided over the ceremony.

Legionnaires recited the Pledge of Allegiance, the chaplain offered a prayer, and individual flags were burned representing all POW/MIAs still not accounted for, and for all police officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty.

Legionnaires also made a bonfire of brush from the clearing of the property.

Plans are for the new building to be completed about the end of August.