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Just the facts: Children’s books in the library


What is most important for the well- being of our community? If the safety and welfare of our children is one of your answers, please take a moment to simply review the facts about some books for children in the library. Take time to read and decide for yourself based on fact rather than rhetoric. Come, let us reason together. provides reviews of books in the library. The review as well as the text and graphic pictures in the book, “Let’s Talk About It,” is shocking. Instruction to visit porn sites and try bondage/multiples are not child concepts. Other adult concepts introduced in the book cannot be printed in a newspaper. It is labeled a “sex education” book written for young children. Heretofore, information like this would be found in an adult only bookstore.

Scientists, pediatricians, and gender care doctors have provided evidence that proves the destructive nature of materials like this book and others.

The research below answers one question:

What are the effects on a child’s development when there is an early focus on sex?

The quotes that follow from The American Colleges of Pediatrics, Harvard and Mayo Clinic are just a few of the voices of health-care professionals urgently warning against this horrible social experiment in our country. Also included are government reports from England, Australia and Canada providing results that are 10 years further out on this issue than we are in the U.S.

Research Facts:

• The period of early adolescence is crucial for brain development and should be free of adult concerns. Children need to have time to mature at an individual pace.

• Kids are emotionally confused by sexual messages because they are simply not yet ready to be sexual.

• The adolescent brain lacks maturity for risk assessment until the age of 20.

• Children are unable to process adult sexual information and behaviors, which leaves them to just imitate what they see without understanding the consequences.

• Early focus on sex results in failure to develop other aspects of their personality that childhood normally affords.

• Children are exposed to psychological, emotional and developmental damage.

The results are significant and irreversible:

• Brain development in the child is arrested, resulting in lower IQ and school retention, but higher pregnancy, STDs and suicide rates.

• Measurable harms include: physical and sexual violence by teenage peers, lower self-esteem, depression and anxiety.

• SADDEST OF ALL: Our Children will develop a warped view of healthy intimate relationships. They will never know TRUE LOVE.

• “A generation of supersexualized children is created when they are exposed to sexual matters that were previously For ADULTS ONLY.” The result? SEXUAL CHAOS and SOCIAL CONTAGION.

Is there a higher priority in our community than the protection of our children from destructive materials that have the potential of permanent damage?

A must-see for parents of young children is a report presented to some of our county commissioners about this issue:

Please take time to watch it and decide for yourself and your children. Offer your suggestions for safeguarding our kids to your county commissioner. Recent suggestions are shelving books in the adult section/permission form for minors signed by parents. Will those steps protect curious young teens from reading these books while in the library?

“Our community that once preached love and acceptance of others has been hijacked by radical activists who are now pushing extreme concepts (indoctrination, sexualizing, medicalizing of children) onto society, specifically targeting children.

There are millions of gays who join parents and concerned people everywhere to protect children. We also aim to return sanity and reclaim the community we once called our own.

Gays Against Groomers

Sandy Malcolm
