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Protecting children from harm is a noble cause


No doubt there are insidious, perverted activities clearly intended to sexualize and indoctrinate minor children permeating our country, state, and yes, even some in Anderson County.

For example, these activities are seen in the form of exposing minors to sexual innuendos at drag queen shows, nude adults riding bicycles and marching in parades, and displaying sexually explicit age-inappropriate material accessible by children in public and school libraries. However, this editorial focuses primarily on age-inappropriate material harmful to minors accessible in Anderson County’s libraries.

Recently, it was discovered that publicly funded Anderson County libraries were purchasing books containing information that:

• Recommend children seek sexual advice from strangers online;

• Suggest children watch pornography on the internet with the understanding that porn stars are amazing actors who should be respected;

• Educate children how to send sexual photographs to “friends” and to blur their faces or any birthmarks or tattoos to prevent recognition;

• Teach children how to masturbate, complete with graphic pictures and descriptions;

• Provide images of people engaging in sex, and pictures of children exposing themselves (this is clearly child pornography);

• Normalize sexual relations between adults and children, including incest (illegal under Tennessee law).

It is important to note that the supporters of these books seldom mention or describe the specific content of the books in question.

Is it because that if the general public were made aware, they would vehemently object? Most assuredly, an average person applying moral community standards would determine that such sexually oriented information depicts or describes sexual conduct, is obscene and harmful to minors, and should not be accessible by minors. The terms “obscene materials or materials harmful to minors” are clearly defined in the Tennessee “Age-Appropriate Materials Act” recently signed by Gov. Lee and currently in effect.

Numerous advocates for children have written letters and/or contacted Anderson County commissioners pleading with them to intervene. Some advocates for children have spoken at numerous commission meetings presenting facts about some of the books and the intrinsic harm this information is to developing minor children.

Other brave souls have spoken at the March 27, 2023, Library Board public hearing, only to be ridiculed and compared to Hitler and fascists by these book supporters. Supporters also stated that advocates for children are “banning books” or “promoting the restriction of First Amendment rights.” Quite the contrary. Simply, advocates for children are objecting to the accessibility by minors to obscene sexually oriented material harmful to minors. If adults wish to check out these books, that is their right.

Several weeks ago, Mr. Chase Lindsey titled his editorial of July 19, 2023, “Enough distraction: Let’s get back to business.” It is important to note that Mr. Lindsey is the second vice chair of the Anderson County Democrat Party Executive Committee. His politically charged accusations are unfounded and totally without merit.

While he claims that “a vocal minority has been stirring up trouble,” how does he explain that approximately 1,000 signatures were obtained to date on a petition effectively requiring the protection of children?

The answer to his “crucial question – Will these self-proclaimed defenders of children be satisfied?” can be found in the narrative of the petition (

It is indeed a noble cause to protect the children, as it is an issue that every moral, self-respecting adult should embrace.


Patrick Card
