Oak Ridge Community Band upcoming concerts

On Sunday, Sept. 3, the Oak Ridge Community Band will hold its Labor Day Concert at 7 p.m. at A.K. Bissell Park, 1403 Oak Ridge Turnpike.
Sunday, Sept. 3, the Oak Ridge Community Band will hold its Labor Day Concert at 7 p.m. at A.K. Bissell Park, 1403 Oak Ridge Turnpike.
Admission is free.
Bring chairs or blankets for outdoor seating. There is a paved area for wheelchairs. Razzleberry’s Ice Cream Lab will provide refreshments. The program will be a variety of popular and entertaining musical selections.
Sunday, Sept. 17, the Oak Ridge Community Band will perform its Fall Showcase Concert.
The concert will be at 3:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church, 1101 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge
Admission is free. The program will feature band members performing in small ensembles.
For more information, see orcb.org, call 865-202-2773, or visit facebook.com/OakRidgeCommunityBand.