Farm Day 2023
Joy Hutson from the Anderson County Animal Rescue Foundation talks with Fairview Elementary School children about heartworms in dogs during Farm Day at the Anderson County Fairgrounds in Clinton. - G Chambers Williams III
Gracie Giles of Claxton, a junior at Anderson County High School, talks to students from Clinton Elementary School about Dakota, a young steer weighing 900 pounds, during Farm Day at the Anderson County Fairgrounds. The event was sponsored by Farm Bureau Insurance. - G Chambers Williams III
Abby Foust, a senior at Anderson County High School, talks about farm crops of this area with students from Claxton Elementary School during Farm Day in Clinton. Looking on at right are Jaxon Taylor, an ACHS junior, and Nathan Hatmaker, a senior at the high school. - G Chambers Williams III
Students from Fairview Elementary School check out some piglets during the Farm Day event Sept. 22 at the Anderson County Fairgrounds. Helping out were Alice Ogan, squatting center, and Baylee Brown, right. - G Chambers Williams III
During Sept. 22’s Farm Day event, Terry Wilkerson with the Tennessee Department of Forestry shows students from Fairview Elementary School a bulldozer used by the department in fighting forest fires. - G Chambers Williams III