Boys and Girls State representatives selected

Clinton High School students were selected by teachers and guidance counselors as representatives at
Girls State representatives include Anastasia Fulton, elected to city councilwoman; Ariana Herrell, elected as election commissioner; Ansley Barker, Supreme Court elect; and Haleigh Johnston, election commissioner.
The Girls State citizens were sponsored by Clinton Rotary, Clinton Lions Club, Wednesday Club, Hoskins Drug Store, Cathy Brown, Jane Carey and Ann Gann. The Girls State program is “For the Love of God and Country.” Girls State is to empower Tennessee’s promising young women to become and remain civilly engaged leaders through experiential learning and relevant, inspiring growth opportunities.
This was the 77th session of Girls State.
At Boys State, David Holt played in the Boys State band and was sponsored by American Legion Post 172.
Applications for 2024 Boys State and Girls State sessions will be sent to the schools in January.