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Dr. Derek Black, author, to speak at Clinton High School

Dr. Derek Black will return to his alma mater to speak at Clinton High School regarding the relationship between public education and democracy.

The event will be held at 5 p.m. Dec. 7 at the high school.

This event is being sponsored by the East Tennessee Retired Teachers Association.

Black is the author of “School House Burning: Public Education and the Assault on American Democracy.”

He is a graduate of Clinton High School and holds the Ernest Hollings Chair in Constitutional Law at the University of South Carolina.

He plays key roles in the fight to preserve public education and democracy.

Other speakers will include Tanya Coats, current Tennessee Education Associated president, and National Education Association President Becky Pringler (tentatively).

Black’s visit is being coordinated by the Retired Teachers Association, and is billed as a “celebration of public education.”

A reception is being sponsored by the Tennessee Education Association.

Invited to the event are students, parents, active and retired educators, and other educational professionals. They will hear Black speak of the importance of public education to American democracy and the history that public education and democracy share.

The retired teachers group said:

“We are aware of the attacks and politics surrounding public education, and seldom do we hear of the positive relationship between public education and democracy. This is an event to allow educational professionals, future, current and retired, to speak up for public education, which we feel is a cornerstone of our democracy.”