Veterans Day parade draws crowd downtown

Members of Clinton’s Manhattan Project Post 12051 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars participate in the Veterans Day parade last Saturday. (photo:G Chambers Williams III )
Veterans in cars, on floats and on foot participated in the parade, which also featured the Clinton and Anderson County high school bands, clowns, and some well-preserved collector cars.
Paul and Julie Williams of Heiskell claimed their viewing spot on the north side of Market Street, where they set up their own folding chairs, and sat waiting for the parade to begin – along with their pooch, Daisy.
“We came early so we could find the best place to watch,” Julie Williams said.
The Kerbela Shriners showed up with their mini-Corvettes, and other entrants included local public officials, civic organizations, and veterans’ groups.
Clowns Raffles (Michael Born) and Dingus (Will Born) added some fun to the mix.
The parade began at 10 a.m. along West Broad Street from where it was put together just behind the Clinton Community Center.