Hauser seeking Republican nod for Chancellor

He is a Christian conservative who says he is passionate about faith, family, and his community.
“My family is my campaign committee,” said Hauser who has been door-knocking since July. “I’m working hard to get to know and earn the trust of our great community.”
Anderson County Chancery Court handles mostly family law cases, including divorce, child support, and custody cases.
“Having been through a divorce, and now remarried with five kids, I know first-hand the challenges parents and, especially children, face going through that process,” he said.
“I’m passionate about serving the best interests of our community’s children, and that’s why I’m running,” he said.
Hauser has practiced law for more than 18 years, with cases in Chancery, Circuit, and General Sessions courts throughout East Tennessee, including Anderson County.
He has represented clients in a broad variety of civil matters such as family law, wills and estates, general torts liability, workers' compensation, and real estate matters.
He has argued appeals before the Tennessee Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board and Tennessee Supreme Court.
Hauser has also represented children in Juvenile Court in several East Tennessee counties.
He says Chancery Court also handles cases involving the government that the public has a significant interest in being decided correctly.
In 2013, Hauser joined the Knox County Law Director's Office.
“As senior deputy law director, I worked to add workers' compensation coverage for approximately 7,000 teachers, who did not previously have coverage, and still saved the schools nearly $4 million to date.
“My experience with the Knox County Law Director’s Office sets me apart from the other candidates.
“I believe it is important to have competent, impartial judges. Judges should follow the law faithfully as written by the General Assembly,” he said.
“As chancellor, I will approach every case with thorough, consistent, conscientious preparation, and decide cases according to the law, without preferential treatment to any party.”
A rural East Tennessee native, Hauser moved to Clinton in 2020 when he married his wife Stacy, an Anderson County native.
Hauser has been actively involved in his children’s lives coaching their sports teams and getting them outdoors.
He serves regularly at his church, Faith Promise, and is an active volunteer at local nonprofits. “My family and I also enjoy playing gospel music at local nursing and veterans homes. I want the people to know we’re service-oriented.”