ADFAC Announces Bill Wilcox Bow Tie Honorees 2024

Several past Bow Tie awardees surprised Jim and Sheila Michel with the news they would be honored this year. Standing, left to right, are Jim Dod- son, Pat Postma, Ray Smith, Barry Stephenson and Cande Seay. Seated, left to right, are Sheila Michel, Jim Michel and Tom Beehan.
“Jim and Sheila have been so generous in our community with their time, talent and treasure in so many ways and through many organizations. Jim has been instrumental at Free Medical Clinic and Sheila has been the heart of TORCH since inception. It will be an honor to celebrate their love and commitment”, stated Bow Tie Event Chair, Wendie Aurin.
The Bow Tie Award was established in 2013 to honor the late Bill Wilcox’s commitment to the community
Proceeds from the Bow Tie event support the short- and long-term stability of ADFAC.
In addition to purchasing tickets, honor donations are a popular way to celebrate the
Contact Jamie LaRose, or Annie Cacheiro, for more information.