Early voting now open for March 5 primary

This is the new site for early voting in the Norris/An- dersonville area for the March 5 primary election. (photo:G. Chambers Williams III )
Locations for early voting are the Anderson County Fair Association building, 218 Nave St., Clinton; Midtown Community Center, 102 Robertsville Road, Oak Ridge; and Anderson Crossing Shopping Center (Norris/Andersonville), 3324 Andersonville Highway.
The location in Norris/Andersonville has moved along with the county clerk’s and trustee’s offices to a new site next to Anderson Crossing Pharmacy.
For the Anderson County primary election, positions being filled include assessor of property, District 6 county commissioner (unexpired term), chancellor for Seventh District Chancery Court (unexpired term), and school board districts,3, 4, 5 and 8.
Eight candidates are on the ballot for the Republican presidential primary, including Donald Trump. On the Democrat side, only Joe Biden is on the ballot.
Early voting hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. till noon on Saturday.