CHS sends 10 to honor choir at Lee 2024 delegation most selected in recent history

McCall Bohanan, director of choral music at CHS, said that 10 students were chosen for this year’s choir, joining about 400 other choir members from across Tennessee, Alabama and North Carolina.
“This year was the largest choir they have had in the choir’s history,” she said, noting that more CHS students were also chosen to participate compared with past choirs.
“In previous years, I would have around half that number,” she said.
These students included: Daniel Batchelor, Grade 11; Amber Brockelman, Grade 11; Andrea Brockelman, Grade 12; Avery Hance, Grade 10; Addison Herrell, Grade 9; Taylor Park, Grade 10; Trenton Petree, Grade 11; Kali Phillips, Grade 11; Lilly Starr, Grade 11; and Jackson Wilson, Grade 11.
Bohanan said the students were selected for the Honor Choir based on their musical ability in singing and sight-reading music, as well as their overall GPAs. All students who participated in the event are also in the Advanced Ensemble at CHS.
“I nominated students, then I talked with the director of the event and she approved them,” she said. “I chose students based on their grades, GPA, work ethic in the classroom and other teachers’ recommendations.”
As part of the event, which took place Feb. 9-10, Bohanan said that students were assigned to choirs based on their grade and voice types. They were conducted by well-known choral directors Dr. Cameron Weatherford, of Lee University, and Dr. Jeff Johnson, of the University of Kentucky. Each choir performed different musical selections, then came together to perform Brian Schmidt’s “Lead Me On.”
“It was amazing to hear all 400 voices singing,” she said. “It was a beautiful and spiritual experience.”
Students later heard performances by the Ladies of Lee and the world-famous Voices of Lee.
“This opportunity to hear what is possible inspired all of the students,” said Bohanan. “When we came back to CHS, they were motivated to be the best in Tennessee, and I truly believe this is possible.”
During the event, choir member Batchelor was also awarded a $1,000 scholarship to Lee University. He was one of three recipients.
“Each year they have a “raffle” drawing, where they choose three students from everyone there, and give them scholarships to the university,” Bohanan said. “This year, the School of Music is giving an extra $1,000, making it a total of $2,000 if he majors or minors in music.”
Bohanan said these achievements “speak volumes of the phenomenal students at CHS.”
“Without the students, none of this would be possible,” she said. “I am blessed every day I walk into my classroom. From the start to the end of my day, I am surrounded by amazing talent.”