To the Editor

Dear Editor,

Thank you for the story on the TVA weir below Norris Dam.  It is always good to read positive news from our county.  

While I enjoyed the story, the use of the term “weir dam” is in error.  The word weir means a low dam.  Therefore when you say “weir dam” you are actually saying “dam dam.”   I know this because my dad Dean Harshbarger helped design the weir below Norris Dam when he was working as an engineer for TVA.  Calling it the “weir dam” was one of dad’s few pet peeves.  Writing to you regarding this issue is way a to pay tribute to him as he passed away last May.  

Thank you for your continued coverage of the news in our fair county.

Jeff Harshbarger, 


Editor’s note: TVA’s own signage calls it the “Weir Dam,” and in fact, the term “weir” has other definitions besides being a type of dam.