Clinton City Council approves new barn at Jaycee Park to assist with health emergencies

The Clinton City Council last week unanimously approved construction of a new barn at Jaycee Park that the Tennessee Department of Health will use to store equipment and handle health emergencies.

City Manager Roger Houck said the department will “conduct on-site drive-through points during a health emergency.

“It’s actually tearing down the old barn, from what I understand that’s been there forever,” he said.

David Queener, a council Member and member of the Anderson County Fair Association’s board, said the barn was in disrepair and needed replacement regardless of the Health Department’s plans.

Council member Wendy Maness made the motion, and Councilman Rob Herrell seconded to approve a memorandum of understanding for the project with the Anderson County Fair Association and Tennessee Health Department.

The barn proposal needed this approval because the city owns the property.

However, the council’s vote did not include funding. Houk said he believed the Anderson County Fair Association was looking at a grant to fund the project.