Judge Hunt receives military honor

Anderson County Juvenile Court Judge Brian Hunt has received a meritorious service medal from the U.S. Army.

The Army awarded the medal to Hunt in June, after his service as an international law officer in Djibouti for the Africa Civil Affairs Battalion, working with multiple other countries’ militaries.

“For meritorious service while serving as the battalion international law officer in support of Operation Enduring Freedom Horn of Africa, Major Hunt’s selfless service, dedication to duty and performance contributed significantly to the enhancement of his unit’s readiness and mission accomplishment. His professionalism and commitment to excellence reflect great credit upon himself, the 489th Civil Affairs Battalion and the U.S. Army Reserve,” the Army’s citation stated.

The army listed four types of achievements by Hunt.

First was his legal oversight for more than 20 missions.

Second, it listed his work as lead action officer for military-to-military training missions in Chad and Mozambique.

Third, it listed his work supporting operations connected to the Israel-Hamas conflict, training Moroccan Armed Forces on international humanitarian law and working as a legal advisor for Justified Accord in Kenya.

Fourth, the army stated he demonstrated initiative and drive in aligning the Civil Affairs Battalion Legal efforts with the Southern European Task Force Africa legal
