City considering ways to ‘calm’ Yarnell traffic

The city of Clinton is looking at ways to “calm” traffic on Yarnell Road.

City Manager Roger Houck said the city’s consulting engineer had studied traffic in the area, and based on the study, he requested “traffic calming installation.”

However, the city is still looking at options and the City Council has taken no vote yet.

Houk said there are several strategies Clinton can take to calm traffic there, including ones used in Knox County.

He spoke in favor of a speed table, which is lower and wider than traditional speed bumps.

“We tried taking it at different speed, and if you do around 20 or 22 you can take it,” he said. “It slows you down, but it doesn’t, say, jar your teeth, where if you take it at 25 or higher you know it’s there.

“It doesn’t stop you, it just slows you down to a speed limit.”

He said the city will schedule a public meeting when it receives additional recommendations. At that meeting, neighborhood residents can give their thoughts. Houck did not give a date for the meeting.