Construction begins on concession stand

Construction work has finally started on a concession stand for Clinton High School’s new softball field.

“I’m glad it’s going to go,” said Director of Schools Tim Parrott.

Work started on Sept. 16. The contract states the builders will need to finish the project 120 days from Sept. 10, but Parrott told The Courier News he expects it to be finished earlier than that.

People including Anderson County Commissioner Tracy Wandell have criticized the construction delay.

A now-settled lawsuit connected to the park’s lights slowed the project down.

The new $265,000 structure won’t just sell concessions. It will include restrooms and a second floor for announcers. Parrott said there is still some work to be done on the lights connected to the lawsuit agreement.

“We’re waiting on the lighting company to adjust one light,” he said. The issue involved the lights getting approved before the school system moved the field from its original planned location.

Even though work continues, the Lady Dragons, have already played on the field.

Parrott said he also wants to add locker rooms.