Commission approves $20 million in bonds for Claxton Elementary

Contractor MBI Companies Inc. presented renderings of the new school like this one at the Monday, Oct. 21, County Commission meeting.
First, the commission unanimously voted to sell the current Claxton Elementary School property at 2218 Clinton Highway in Powell for $4 million.
The proceeds of the sale will help pay for the new school.
Commissioners also unanimously authorized up to $20 million in bonds to help finance the project. Commissioner Michael Foster was absent for these and other votes.
“Today is an exciting day for Anderson County Schools and Anderson County,” said Tim Parrott, director of Anderson County Schools.
Before voting, commissioners reviewed detailed renderings of the new Claxton school, including designs for the gym, hallways, classrooms, and entrance.
The new school will be buillt on the former site of Crossroads Christ Fellowship Church at 105 Fellowship Lane, with a new entrance for parents from Raccoon Valley Road.
Parrott explained that the current school has structural issues.
“I wouldn’t say our students are in danger,” he said. “But we want it to be more like our other, newer schools.”
He described the new school as a “showpiece.”
Parrott also said he hopes the community will contribute to funding for future school furniture.
“We want people in the community to be proud of it,” he said.
Commissioner Tracy Wandell, who represents the Claxton area, said the county will carefully consider the future of the 2218 Clinton Highway property.
“We’re not just going to throw it out to anyone,” Wandell said. “We’ll focus on what’s best for the community.”
At an earlier meeting, Parrott said the school system was “on track to start construction in January.”
Senior Center Van
The commission approved a $45,000 grant from the state to purchase a van for the Senior Center.
County Mayor Terry Frank said she plans to use the van to transport food for seniors, in partnership with the East Tennessee Human Resource Agency.
Opioid Settlement
The commission approved a procedure for distributing funds from opioid lawsuit settlements. These funds will go to organizations assisting individuals affected by opioid addiction.
Animal Shelter
The commission voted unanimously to dissolve the Anderson County Animal Care Advisory Committee.
Frank, who oversees the Animal Shelter, proposed forming a task force to replace the committee.
Citizen Comments
During the meeting, Chairman Tyler Mayes announced that he would strictly enforce limits on public comments, stopping any inflammatory, repetitive, or overly lengthy remarks.
The commission appointed Lisa A. Roberts and Jennifer L. Pemberton to the Beer Permit Board, and Cory Jenkins to the Solid Waste Advisory Board.
Following the meeting, the commission held a work session with the Anderson County Planning Commission to discuss proposed amendments to the county’s zoning code.
Proposed changes include reducing the minimum parcel size from 22,000 square feet to 20,000 square feet, and consolidating the two types of agricultural districts into one.
Another potential change involves the creation of a Mobile Home Park District.
Currently, mobile home parks are allowed as a special exemption in two zoning districts. Under the proposed changes, mobile home parks would be permitted only in the new district.