Kaycee Baldwin signs with Bryan College

Anderson County Lady Mavericks centerfielder and leadoff batter Kaycee Baldwin has signed a letter of intent to continue her student-athlete career at Bryan College in Dayton. (photo:Tony Cox )
Baldwin, a centerfielder and leadoff hitter for the Lady Mavericks, said she felt at home at Bryan, a small Christian school in Dayton, Tennessee.
“I loved the campus down there, and the area around it is beautiful,” Baldwin said. “The coaches and the girls were extremely welcoming when I went down there, and I wanted to go to a smaller school.”
Bryan wasn’t Baldwin’s only option.
She also considered East Tennessee State University, but after visiting the Johnson City campus, she decided it wasn’t the right fit.
“We went to ETSU, and I immediately said, ‘no,’” Baldwin said. “At Bryan, it’s like its own community, and it’s small.”
Baldwin said her decision was influenced by her desire to attend a religious school, and stay relatively close to home.
“The other thing that appealed to me is that it’s a Christian school, and everything is Christ-centered,” she said.
“Everything they do, including softball, is centered around Christ.”
Staying within driving distance of her family also played a key role.
“I wanted to stay close enough to home where I could come back on a weekend, but I also wanted to be far enough away to have the independence of being in college,” Baldwin said.
Baldwin plans to major in mathematics and minor in business.
She said the small class sizes at Bryan were another major draw for her.
“I think that building a relationship with a professor will be really helpful for me in all of my classes,” she said.
“The teacher-to-student ratio is about 1-to-12 or 1-to-15.
“There are about 800 students on campus, and 75 to 80% of them are athletes.”