Anderson County seeks Civil Service board member

The Anderson County Board of Commissioners and its Nominating Committee are looking for someone interested in serving on the county’s Civil Service Board.

Whomever is appointed will serve the remainder of a term that expires on Sept. 30.

In accordance with state law, the county’s Civil Service Board is composed of three members selected by the County Commission.

According to an announcement from the commission, all members of the board shall be over 18 years of age, of good moral character, and citizens of the United States and the state of Tennessee, and they must reside in Anderson County.

Additionally, they must not currently “hold any elected or appointed [government] office within the county.”

Interested residents are advised to send a resume or pick up a request to serve form at the County Commission’s office, 100 N. Main St., Room 118, Clinton, where it is posted outside the office door. The form also may be downloaded from the website

Deadline for consideration as a nominee will be noon on Friday, March 7.

The Nominating Committee will meet at 5 p.m. Monday, March 10, in Room 118A to select an applicant for the position.

For more information, contact Annette Prewitt at 865-463-6866.