TDOT Alert

TDOT begins pothole repairs

Heavy rain and winter weather have left numerous potholes along Tennessee’s interstates and state routes. The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) has launched a statewide effort to repair damaged roads as quickly as possible.

“Each year, we anticipate severe weather will impact our roads, and we proactively plan for pothole repairs while also addressing winter conditions,” said Deputy Governor and TDOT Commissioner Butch Eley.

Multiple crews will be patching potholes in the coming days and weeks. Temporary repairs are being made with cold mix asphalt, while permanent repairs will be completed in the spring and early summer.

Motorists should expect short-term traffic delays in some areas during repairs. Crews will attempt to work during off-peak hours—9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on weekdays—but some lane closures may extend into the late afternoon, evening, and weekends. TDOT urges drivers to be patient and to watch for crews on interstates and state highways.

Inclement weather, emergency repairs or other incidents may disrupt scheduled work.

Drivers can report potholes by calling the TDOTFIX Hotline at 833-TDOTFIX or by submitting an online maintenance request.